Our  Innovation

At Uayki, our mission is to empower underserved communities in developing countries through sustainable solutions. The Uayki System consists of a low-cost portable kit that deploys an asynchronous network that hosts a digital ecosystem of useful platforms and content. This innovative technology solution provides low-income people in peri-urban and rural areas with access to information and education, allowing multiple users to benefit from educational and cultural opportunities simultaneously without the need for a permanent internet connection or high bandwidth.

Our approach not only provides access to information, but also promotes community development through technology. We believe that connectivity is essential for economic and social growth, and we work to reduce the digital divide and promote access to development opportunities. By providing individuals and communities with the tools and resources they need to succeed, we seek to improve their quality of life and help them prosper.

Current Issues


Large technology gap


+60% of the population does not have reliable access to the Internet.


Access to opportunities is very limited

It is an innovative system that broadcasts large clouds of connectivity regardless of location and without requiring Internet connection, facilitating access to the Mundo Uayki digital ecosystem to connect low-income rural and periruban areas and thus shortening the digital divide. The Uayki System is portable and upgradeable with the internet, works on any device, while limiting access to inappropriate content and ensuring a friendly and high-speed experience for all users.


Uayki World






Applications and Software

Learning Categories

Success Stories

and Testimonials

Together, let's donate the Uayki System to connect underserved communities to better opportunities
